Author: FWLG
Date: Mar 16 2016

Heather Quick CEO Florida Women’s Law Group, divorce and family law for women, on Alimony Reform.

Alimony reform is not about being fair. The proposed reform bill does not create a platform in equality. According to the US Census data report, over 96% of alimony recipients are women. These women have worked hard to raise their families so their husbands could go out and earn a higher wage. Men would not be able to do this without the support at home. Now, after years of marriage, the court system is going to tell women they were not equal partners in the marriage and do not deserve a portion of their husband’s income.

Let’s get real. Though marriages are supposed to be 50/50, reality is more like 80/20. Women are the caregivers, chauffeurs, homemakers, accountants, etc. By taking care of all of life’s daily necessities for the family, wives enable their husbands to earn higher wages. Shouldn’t they then be entitled to a fair portion of this income if the marriage should dissolve? Their contribution was essential to making the marriage work. Additionally, though not perfect, the system in place now works. Most importantly, it takes into account the woman’s needs as well as the husband’s ability to pay.

What most people do not realize is that this bill is not only about alimony! Proponents of the bill have added terminology calling for a 50/50 timeshare split. More timesharing equals less child support payments. Regardless if the child is more bonded with one parent over another, or if one parent works longer hours, or if the parent has emotional or substance abuse issues—there will be an equal split of timesharing should the bill pass. This hurts the kids. The kids should have a say in whom they want to live with. And that person should be able to afford their clothing, food and activities. We must ask ourselves “What is in the best interest of the child?” Every situation is different and calling for 50/50 timesharing is not the answer.

Wake up Florida. This bill could become law! We cannot let the politically hungry decide what is right within a dissolution of marriage. Every marriage is different. Circumstances are different. We are not preventing litigation with alimony reform—we are feeding it. This bill will trample women’s rights and place children in potentially dangerous living situations.

I urge you to email or call Governor Scott requesting him to veto this bill TODAY. We must all work together to stop it. Alimony reform should not discriminate against women. We’ve got 15 days until the governor puts his stamp on it. Let our voices be heard!

Call and email Gov. Scott TODAY! It’s simple: Urge him to VETO SB 668 and establish a neutral TASK FORCE! Scott’s Staff is counting calls and emails, so keep them coming!

(850) 488-7146
[email protected]

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For more information please contact Heather Quick CEO of Florida Women’s Law Group, divorce and family law for women, at (904)372-1574 or


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