Author: Florida Women's Law Group
Date: Jun 21 2021

Bridge-the-Gap Alimony

Alimony is defined as financial support that the higher-earning spouse must legally provide to the other spouse during the divorce proceedings or once it has been finalized.  The intention is to allow the lower-earning spouse the ability to maintain the same standard of living as they experienced in the marriage.

Divorce is difficult and emotional and brings many changes in each person’s life.  Transitioning from married life to single life can be overwhelming, especially financially.  If you are going from a dual-income to a single-income or if you have not worked in a while and now must take care of yourself financially it can be very daunting.  This is where Bridge-the-Gap alimony can help.

Bridge-the-Gap Alimony

According to Florida Statute § 61.08(5) bridge-the-gap alimony was designed to assist one spouse with "legitimate identifiable short-term needs" while they make the transition from being married to becoming single.  During the time of this alimony, it is expected that the receiving spouse will take all necessary measure to become financially self-reliant.

The stipulations regarding bridge-the-gap alimony are firm and is not dependent on length of marriage or how long it may take to find a job.  The statute outlines that under no circumstances can bridge-the-gap exceed two years and once it is finalized it can not be modified.  The only way it can be terminated is death by either spouse or if the receiving spouse were to remarry.

Circumstances for Bridge-the-Gap Alimony

The short-term nature of bridge-the-gap alimony is designed to help the lower-earning spouse transition to their new life where they can sustain themselves financially.  The alimony payments could be to help with living expenses as they wait for the marital home to sell or to help with bills as they find housing and adjust to being on their own.  Monies can also be used to pay for education or training programs to help increase job opportunities. 

When bridge-the-gap alimony is awarded, it is finalized and cannot be modified in duration or amount.  Because of this it is important that suitable terms are agreed upon during the divorce proceedings.   Two years can go by quickly so it is vital that you have a concrete plan to be financially independent by the end.

Alimony can be complicated, do not try to navigate these complex waters alone. Trust the experienced team of attorneys at Florida Women’s Law Group who are educated on the ever-changing laws in our state and are here to get you what you deserve. We are committed to providing you a positive experience all while seamlessly handling the meticulous details.

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