Author: Olivia Dodd
Date: Nov 27 2023

In this episode, Heather Quick, attorney and owner of Florida Women’s Law Group, discusses decision making in the divorce process with Karen Covy. Karen teaches our listeners how to work towards your goals via strong decision making. 

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About Our Guest


Karen is  a divorce coach and consultant, mediator, author, speaker, collaborative divorce professional, and a recovering divorce attorney.


What does all of that mean?


Let’s hear it from her!


It means I have decades of experience helping people navigate through divorce and make decisions designed to get them a better outcome. (It also means I have a whole lot of letters after my name!)

I work with you so that you understand your marriage and divorce options. That, in turn, helps you make better choices and to be better prepared for what lies ahead. It also means I educate and empower you to manage your divorce with less stress, less pain, and less expense.

I will help you create realistic goals, formulate a solid plan, and develop a strategy that will allow you to either create a trial separation that works, or get you through your divorce more amicably and intelligently. While I will still act as a legal consultant in select cases in Illinois, I spend most of my time now working with people all over the world as an expert divorce coach and consultant.

Why leave a lucrative law practice to be ... a divorce coach?! 

Quite simply, I got fed up! 

The divorce system as it currently exists doesn't work the way people expect. Divorce lawyers don't do what people think they're going to do. As a result, people make uninformed decisions that lead to unintended results. They make mistakes they could have avoided. Without meaning to, they do things that hurt themselves and their kids.

I don't think that's right.

So I set out to re-engineer the way divorce is done. To do that, I needed to be MORE than just another divorce lawyer.

Believe it or not, "the law" is about 10% of most divorces.  

As a divorce adviser and an expert divorce coach, I help you with the other 90%. 



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"Women Winning Divorce" is a radio show and podcast hosted by Heather Quick: Attorney, Entrepreneur, Author and Founder of Florida Women’s Law Group, the only divorce firm for women, by women. Each week Heather sits down with innovative professionals and leaders who are focused on how you can be your best self, before, during or after divorce. 

In these conversations, we are looking at how women can win at life.   With our guests, we enjoy the opportunity to explore ways all women can win and enhance their life, no matter where they are in their journey, because divorce is just point in life, not the end and not what defines you, rather it can be a catalyst for growth. 

Come join the conversation on social media, and join our Facebook group, Women Winning Divorce and send comments and suggestions, we want to bring you content that helps move your life forward.




Thank you for listening. Please share the podcast with your friends and colleagues. Send your questions, comments, and feedback to [email protected]

Women Winning Divorce is supported by Florida Women’s Law Group


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