People facing away from each other
Author: Staff
Date: Apr 06 2023

Divorce can be chaotic and heartbreaking, and for a stay-at-home mom, it can be especially difficult and complicated. Stay-at-home moms have often forgone or paused careers to focus on their home and family. Yet, divorce rates are higher than ever. 

Divorce is not only a stressful experience but is often financially taxing as well. Divorcing moms often have specific concerns about the future. Many have taken time out of the workforce to care for their children and are now faced with the challenge of re-entering the job market and becoming a wage earner. Daycare or nanny expenses may become significant budget items to replace their services.

It is easy to feel overwhelmed when going through this unexpected life situation, but the right legal counsel can help you be prepared to tackle anything that comes your way. The first step in preparing for a divorce is to speak to a family law attorney. An experienced lawyer will give an accurate picture on how Florida law affects your individual situation. No two divorces are alike, so it's important to get an understanding from a professional on how yours could play out.

It’s important to understand the status of your family’s finances. Many women don’t know the full picture. Don’t assume that alimony will be a solution. That is a complex legal issue and it’s important to get professional advice to build the right expectations. Your attorney can do an assessment of your situation, help you understand the possible outcomes and help you plan for the future. 

You can take control of your life with the right mindset. Right now, we live in a world where so many things can be done without a degree and businesses can be created online. The possibilities are endless. Instead of thinking there’s no option, think there’s always an opportunity." - Heather Quick, CEO, Owner, Attorney, Florida Women's Law Group

At Florida Women’s Law Group, we understand that getting a divorce can be an emotionally challenging and overwhelming experience. That’s why it’s important to have knowledgeable professionals on your side who can help you navigate through this difficult time. Our team of attorneys will help you understand your legal rights and be your advocate, so you can move forward with your life, feeling confident about your future. Contact us.

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